I began my career as an addictions counselor working in an inpatient adolescent drug program in 2002. I quickly developed a passion for working with young people and learned how to best help treatment resistant clients. I considered it an honor that parents trusted our program with the care of their young adults, and realized the importance of integrity when working with clients and families.
After working with adolescent clients for seven years, I was asked to help develop a program designed for clients who had been to multiple treatment centers due to alcohol and opiate relapses. There I learned the importance of persevering along with struggling clients, helping them to find their voice in recovery.
After successfully helping to build the relapse program, I began working at The Ranch, a nationally recognized leader in treating trauma and co-occurring disorders. While primary therapist at the men's co-occurring program, I integrated trauma work into the treatment of addiction and substance use, recognizing the complexity of each client and the need for holistic approaches to treating drug abuse. During this time the opiate epidemic began accelerating, making clear the need for new approaches to dealing with the heroin crisis. I bring this expertise to my clients and families, along with a service oriented approach to counseling.