Goldfinch tips to deal with holiday stress
1. Get outside and move. Physical activity lowers stress hormones while Vitamin D from the sun has benefits on muscle function, boosts immunity, and improves cardiopulmonary health.
2. Cue the music has shown to improve anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Music has also been shown to improve memory, lower blood pressure, and decrease pain.
3. Make time for art. Engaging in art can reduce stress, build confidence, and improve self awareness. Participation in art allows for social connection and time off screens! You don’t have to be “an artist” to derive the benefits.
4. Catch your Zzzzzzzzzs. Disrupted sleep is associated with decreased focus, irritability, and increase in risk taking behaviors. Avoid caffeine after 4pm, late night screen time, and excessive alcohol all which can disrupt sleep. Engaging in regular exercise can improve sleep quality.
5. How about GIFTS? This holiday season, try to spend more time and effort creating memories rather than buying gifts. Is it easier to recall the gifts you received last year or an experience you had? Some ideas: hikes, snowball fights, board games, music concerts, art projects, community service projects. Forced family fun is a gift you all will remember for years to come.
6. CONVERSATIONS Do not start a conversation with a phone in your hand or while on your laptop. Engage with fellow humans with intention and compassion. Use people’s names. Ask questions open ended questions with intention to listen to the response.
7. SCREENS Consider declaring all meals PHONE-FREE OR pick one day over the holidays a BLACKOUT day when the whole family unplugs.
8. CONNECT Many people feel isolated or alone on the holidays. Consider sending a HANDWRITTEN note or simply adding a personal script on your Christmas card to some friends that may be struggling this season.
9. GRATITUDE: Studies have shown expressing gratitude can have a positive impact on both our mental health and our physical health.
10. NO then YES. Just say no to things you don’t want to do or that will stress you out, and simply say YES to all opportunities for fun and social connection.